Friday, March 23, 2012

Newsweek's Retro Mad Men Cover

Have you seen this week's Newsweek cover?  It is so fabulous!  When I first received it in the mail, I thought, "Hmmm....Interesting new masthead."  Then I realized it was a whole retro issue!

Of course I am among the hoards who are waiting with bated breath to see the new season of Mad Man, which debuts on Sunday night.  I am reading everything I can get my hands on about what's going to be happening.  How I desperately hope that Betty and Don get back together.  I don't think I have ever seen a more gorgeous couple than Betty and Don when they get dressed up in their 1960s finery.  They are absolutely divine!  January Jones is so beautiful when she plays that part.  I love that Betty is also a member of the Junior League!  Yes, I know, she is also a little crazy, but that's what makes her yummy!  I don't think we even need to talk about the fabulous and ultra handsome and virile Jon Hamm, now do we?  Let's just join hands, say a little "Amen, sister" and let our eyes and our minds have a little feast. 

Okay, I have that out of my system, let's get back to Newsweek.  Isn't Tina Brown the most brilliant editor ever?  I should say a very confident YES.  I am thrilled that she was the Town Hall Platinum Dinner speaker this year when I was the co-chair and I got to have dinner with her.  This issue is pure genius. 

Let's start with the ads.  They are so much fun to look at.  In Tina's editor's letter, she says that "many creative directors from agencies went into their vaults to dust off visuals from old accounts and new agencies went retro just for kicks."  You will so enjoy looking at them.

The article I most delighted in was Eleanor Clift's assessment of what it was like to work at Newsweek in the 1960s.  She is the only Newsweek staffer still from that time.  She was a secretary then, as female writers weren't allowed until the 1970s.  It is a very interesting article, as is each one in this issue.  As Tina says, "The content of the issue is new, and about today, but there are plenty of echoes of the past, all uncannily like the present."  

I have one thought for you...If you don't receive Newsweek by subscription, run out right this minute and buy it.  You won't be disappointed.    

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